1、投资方银行资信证明原件2份;The Credit Letter of the investor from bank;(2 origins)
2、投资方护照复印件The copy of the ID Certificate of the investor;
3、投资人护照的公证认证原件2份(投资方于当地公证处公证再于中国大使馆认证)The Notarization certificate and the Verification certificate of individuals(2 origins)(First Notarized at the local Notary Public ,then Verified at the Chinese Consultancy)
4、拟设立公司成立董事会的提供董事会成员名单及身份证明复印件;若设执行董事的须提供执行董事身份证明复印件;If the Board is to be set up,the list of the board and the ID certificates of the members should be supplied;if the CEO is to be set up,the ID certificate of the CEO should be supplied;
5、拟设立公司监事身份证明复印件;The ID certificate of the supervisor should be supplied;
6、拟设立公司法定代表人身份证明复印件及一寸彩照三张;The one-inch color photos of the Legal Representative of the planned company and the copy of his/her ID certificate;
7、若投资公司法定代表人或投资人不便签署有关材料的须授权他人代为签署有关材料,提供授权书原件3份 If it is not convinient for the Legal Representative of the Investing company to sign the related materials,he/she can authorise others but the Authorisation Letter is needed(3 origins)
8、投资人履历 The Resume of the individual investor;
9、拟设立公司经营范围、进出口商品目录 The business scope and the list of export and import commodity。